SAVE THE DATE: February 18, 2024

Our 4th Annual Better Together Prom will

be on Sunday, February 18th at Justin-Siena!

We are BETTER TOGETHER!!! There are so many people who have come together to make this special event possible each year...from volunteers to donors to Wonderbread 5 and to all the amazing attendees and their parents and caseworkers!! Can we possibly say it again...we are BETTER TOGETHER! Thank you all for coming together and celebrating our differences in a way that was over the top and heartwarming!!! 

God is indeed good! 

(Special thanks to Erica Conway for her inspiration and spearheading this effort. Thank you to Trent Stoppello, Megan Alexander-Short, & Lisa Hiserman for stepping in and making things happen!)



To inspire and empower community through active leadership & service to others.

The G.I.G.G. -